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Entrepreneur Weekly

Feb 19, 2020

It’s no secret that the workforce in America feels generally apathetic about their jobs, but what can be done to create an environment that fosters a more inclusive, rewarding environment? Former Vice President of Twitter, and Podcast Host and Author of “EAT SLEEP WORK REPEAT”, Bruce Daisley, joins us to help bust some myths and spread truths about the workplace. Find out how burnout and an overly connected digital world a bringing employees down, and 30 hacks for bringing joy to your job. Also, quit having boring meetings in your dingy office and get out on a walk with your team during meetings, or create workplace events that bring your team together for a more productive workforce. Tune in now to learn more. 


  • [00:00:00] The Journey of Life, Business, Faith
  • [00:05:43] Bruce Daisley’s Tech Business Journey
  • [00:11:30] Two Megatrends Making Work Worse
  • [00:18:21] 30 Hacks for Bringing Joy To Your Job
  • [00:26:15] How Laughter Could Revitalize Workforce
  • [00:33:21] Walking Meetings and Snack Time